Monday, August 1, 2011

Ok, so our big news is…

Before I spit it out let me just say, we have not made this decision lightly. We have spent days and nights searching, comparing, making lists of pro/cons, having long conversations, making more lists, and re-researching everything we may have previously decided on. We have strategized and planned for every detail we could think of and this is what we have come up with:

We are moving to China.

Yes, you read that correctly. China: C-h-i-n-a.

Andrew was offered an opportunity to teach English at a school in Nanjing China. Now, what makes this so unique, not just for us but for many of the Chinese schools he was in contact with, is that not very many families do this type of thing - especially 3 children families.

Something funny to think about is that in China you are only allowed to have one child, any more than that and you must pay a fine to the Government. So, the Chinese mindset is that those who have two or more children must be rich. My first thought in hearing this is that in America if I see a family with a lot of children I think “man, they must be broke!”

We have made a few contacts and friends already in China who have given us some invaluable advice. The biggest thing for us, and we understand and accept this, is going to be culture shock – to include language barrier. We do plan to hire an ayi [pronounced ah-yee]- a Chinese nanny, who I hear, is the “must have” in China. They help care for the children, cleaning, shopping and cooking. Who wouldn’t want that?

So, we have told close members of our family and only a few friends. The reactions were mixed but mostly everyone has been supportive and excited for us. While moving out of the house we were renting we sold all of our furniture and any other items we could. We sorted through toys and clothes then finally let go of stuff that we haven’t looked at in years but were somehow tethered to. That is an awesome feeling – to be free of so many ‘things’. We did keep a few items- some art, family photos, some other random stuff that in a year we will probably look at and wonder “why did we keep this”? but, it all fits nicely in a 10x10 storage room so, considering the ‘before’ I am ok with that.

Yes, I am leaving my “great job in Macon”. As I recently told someone when asked, I am too young to be stuck in a life I don’t want. I am able and capable of so much more. There is a huge world to see and I want my children to know “you can do it, there is nothing or nowhere in the world that is unattainable if you really want it”. So there! My plan is to spend time destressing from the corporate world and getting to know my family again while furthering my education.

In this global economy, the best gift we can give to our children (and ourselves) is the opportunity to learn Mandarin and prepare for the future where perhaps China will be the economic super power. Politics aside, this is an adventure and we are ready! It’s only a plane ride away – Atlanta has three nonstops to Shanghai every week.

In my next post I will tell you what we have done to prep for our trip and what we still need to do.


Amy said...

shiney people! :) much love, peace and happiness to you. Wear lots of red for luck. -Amy

Amy said...

Shiney! and always so smart you are. Congratulations, peace, love, and happiness to you!

Paz said...

Love your move! Doesn't it feel good to get rid of all of that stuff. You never needed it in the first place. Cheers!